
We chose to use open and closed questions so that we could get a wide range of responses. The closed questions allowed us to collect quantitve data which we could use to make pie charts to show the results. With the open questions it gave the audience a chance to give a more detailed opinion.
These are the pie chats to show the results from the closed questions in the questionnaire:
Here are just some of the responses from the open questions:
How could the trailer be improved?
"You could give a little bit more away so that the plot is easier to follow without giving too much away."
"Not to have as much narrative at the beggining get straight into the action."
Did the trailer make sense without giving too much away?
"Yes it was just the right balance it didnt give too much away but you could still understand what was going on."
"There were parts that confused me slightly but on a whole it was very good becuase a trailer isnt supposed to make complete sense anyway."
Overall I think that holding the screening to get our audience feedback was very beneficial becuase it gave us a good idea about what the target group thought about our trailer and allowed us to make any adjustments neccissary to improve it.