NME is one of the most well known music magazines and covers mostly music influenced by gutair but receantly other artists such as Jay Z have began to appear on the cover after their successful performances at festivals like Glastonbury. The main photo is a medium close up.The pose of the photo shows that there is a relationship between the two because Ian Brown is looking over at Jay Z. The fact that Jay Z is wearing sunglasses makes him more mysterious. NME is known for its colour scheme of red, black and white. The darker colours against the white background makes the font stand out. Another thing to notice is that there is no text over the faces to prevent the picture from being spoiled. The text bar at the bottom of the page tells us about what else is in the magazine. Most magazines have text bars but as well as this they have hooks all over the cover, this particular issue of NME does not. To avoid making the text look too cramped or busy they have only used two different fonts. I will use this idea when I construct my magazine. NME is a weekly music magazine priced at £2.30 and has an extremly loyal audience however because of the current economic situation I have decided to make my magazine a monthly issue so that people will be able to afford to buy it. I am going to sell my magazine at £2.50 because it sits in the price bracket preferred by people asked in my questionnaire.
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